I'm a Software Developer from Fort Collins, CO

Hi, I'm Tomas Paul and I build, develop, and maintain software.


Services That I Provide

MERN Stack

I create full stack web applications specializing in educational quizzes and games.

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Firebase, MongoDB, MySQL, Express, Node.js, and more.

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HTML is my new favorite language so I'm looking any way to practice it!

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My Recent Projects

Quiz App

This is a trivia quiz app that I created using React. It generates random trivia from an open API database.

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Todo App

Todo list app that I created using React. It allows you to add, delete, and edit tasks.

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Rock Paper Scissors App

I created this using React. It has routes and allows users to play against the computer.

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Created complex javascript algorithms allowing users to place bets, play against a computer player, and win or lose virtual currency.

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Developed and integrated CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality, allowing users to create, read, update and delete posts and comments within the application.

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Pet Finder

Designed and implemented a highly-scalable MongoDB database, enabling efficient CRUD operations and seamless management of pet-related data and user information using the Pet Finder API.

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Developed a user-friendly TailwindCSS design and intuitive e-commerce app with a fully-functional cart feature. Utilized industry-standard security measures to protect user data and ensure safe online transactions using Stripe.

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My Education & Experience


Software Engineering Immersive

General Assembly (2022 - 2023)

Full stack application made with MERN, python, DJANGO and data structures.

Master of Arts in Teaching

Marian University (2013 - 2015)

Two year program while teaching full time concurrently in high needs schools.

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry

Purdue University (2002 - 2006)

Full pre-med program plus emphasis on biochemistry and protein synthesis.


Interested in collaborating?


Curriculum Vitae
